We would like to let you know that CCNA is an Associate level
certification which gives you an opportunity to understand basic
technology, understanding about the network , configuring routers and
switches , setting up your own network. In order to do other
certifications you need to CCNA certification first which is
prerequisite. you can go for any certification training but you before
that candidates should have proper understanding about routing and
switching program.
This certification is very difficult and to clear this 100%
attention needed while going through study, Make sure that you are using
the correct recourse and study materials , Just focus to content of
CCNA study materials and verify this as well.
Few new CCNA learner has shared their experience about certification
exam, and as per them verify everything that you using for preparation
of certification.
The questions which are asked in certification
are multiple and single choice. there will be couple of practical
questions, the time is limited but enough to get the answers.
Do not rush for the exam go for training first once you are comfortable and confident than book for exam.
Networkers Champ is the best Networking Institute in Bangalore Provides CCNA Training in Bangalore